Upcoming Events



ACM-UEMJ Presents Distinguished Speaker Program On Boeing 737 MAX: Money, Machines, And Morals In Conflict

Brian A. Barsky is Professor of the Graduate School at the University of California at Berkeley, USA where he is Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Vision Science, and Affiliate Professor Emeritus of Optometry. He is also a member of the Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, an interdisciplinary and inter-campus program, between UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco and he is affiliated with the the Berkeley Center for New Media, Berkeley Institute of Design, and Arts Research Center. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (F.A.A.O) and a Warren and Marjorie Minner Faculty Fellow in Engineering Ethics and Professional/Social Responsibility and an ACM Distinguished Speaker. He holds degrees from McGill University, Cornell University, and the University of Utah. Professor Barsky has co-authored technical articles in the broad areas of computer aided geometric design and modeling, interactive three-dimensional computer graphics, visualization in scientific computing, computer aided cornea modeling and visualization, medical imaging, and virtual environments for surgical simulation. He is also a co-author of the book An Introduction to Splines for Use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, co-editor of the book Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control, and Animation of Articulated Figures, and author of the book Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling Using Beta-splines. Professor Barsky also held visiting positions in numerous universities of European and Asian countries. He is also a speaker at many international meetings, an editor for technical journal and book series in computer graphics and geometric modelling, and a recipient of an IBM Faculty Development Award and a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award. Further information about Professor Barsky can be found at http://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~barsky/biog.html

The Boeing 737 MAX aircraft has been grounded worldwide after two fatal crashes with similar characteristics within five months of each other. Lion Air JT610 Crashed 13 minutes after takeoff from Jakarta on Tuesday 9 October 2018 and Ethiopian Airlines ET 302 crashed 6 minutes after takeoff from Addis Abba in Ethiopia on Sunday 10 March 2019. In both incidents, pilots could not control the aircraft shortly after takeoff, resulting in tragic crashes with no survivors. Even after the second crash, the U.S. FAA did not ground the airplane for many days, well after the rest of the world had already done so. In its effort to compete with Airbus A320 Neo, instead of designing a new aircraft, Boeing devised a low-cost alternative based on modifying its 50-year old 737 design. The newer high-bypass turbofan engines were too large to fit under the wing of the low-to-the-ground 737 design; thus, the MAX design moved the engines forward and up from the position on previous 737 models, but that created destabilization with a tendency to pitch up. To mitigate this, Boeing created a computer software system called MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System) that takes over control of the airplane from the pilots and pushes the nose down, based on data input from a single sensor. Erroneous data from the single sensor invoked MCAS in both crashes. Due to concerns about financial losses, there is corporate pressure to resume the use of the 737 MAX for commercial passenger flight as soon as possible, notwithstanding continued safety concerns. Some argue that the 737 MAX should never be allowed to carry the flying public again and that it cannot be fixed because it is not merely a software issue, but stems from an inherently unstable airframe design. Examination of the many factors that led to these disastrous consequences illuminates disquieting ethical issues of corporate behavior and lack of government oversight. For the time ever, civil aviation authorities around the world may not allow ithe 737 MAX into their airspace even if the U.S. FAA deems it to be airworthy. A careful deep analysis reveals many issues that have critically important lessons for all engineers who do or will work for large corporations or government organizations. This raises serious issues while computer science hurtles at breakneck speed towards increased automation of vehicles. The lecture will include first-hand information about the first of the two crashes from the speaker’s meeting in Jakarta with the head of the accident investigation committee there. The speaker is Professor of the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley where he is a Warren and Marjorie Minner Faculty Fellow in Engineering Ethics and Professional and Social Responsibility.

Past Events



International Coding Competition, "UEM CODE STORM 2.0".

UEM JAIPUR ACM STUDENT CHAPTER & DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING is organizing an International Coding Competition, "UEM CODE STORM 2.0" on 2nd November, 2019 on CodeChef platform.
Contest Details:
• Date: 2nd November, 2019
• Time: 20:30 to 23:30 HRS IST
• Prizes worth total INR 30,000
• This is a team event. The team size can be maximum of 3. Team members should only have their CodeChef id.
Registration Link ::www.codechef.com/UEM22019
For more information please visit:
Our website: www.acm-uemj.com Facebook Page Instagram Page For any query please mail us at: [email protected] or directly contact with following persons:
1. Protyay Dey: +91- 8708807505
2. Sagnik Bhattacharya: +91-8637041964
Requesting you to participate and make this event successful.



ACM-UEMJ Presents Distinguished Speaker Program On Languages of Social Media:from Hashtags to Question Topics

UEM JAIPUR ACM STUDENT CHAPTER is organizing a Distinguished Speaker Program by Prof. Dr. Animesh Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur at the UEM Jaipur premises on 5th August, 2019 on the topic “Language of social media: from hashtags to question topics”. Dr. Animesh Mukherjee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Prior to this, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the same Department for four and a half years. Immediately before that he was a post-doctoral researcher in the Complex Systems Lagrange Lab, ISI Foundation, Italy. He received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur with a thesis on “self-organization of human speech sound inventories”. His main research interests are in applying complex system approaches (mainly complex networks and agent-based simulations) to different problems in Computer Science.
REGISTRATION LINK:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAVZAZLg_YtROokd7JxchTspgFf26Uy2F-Cu3-eoIrDIKIJw/viewform
ABSTRACT: In this talk I shall outline a summary of our four years long initiative studying the popularity dynamics of various human language-like entities over the social media. Some of the topics that I plan to cover are (a) how hashtags in Twitter form compounds like natural language words (e.g., milk+man=milkman) that become way more popular then the individual constituent hashtags [CSCW 2016, Honorable Mention], (b) how conversational hashtags (aka idioms) like #4thingsbeforebreakup, #threethingsIlike etc. spread and become popular in Twitter [ICWSM 2015] (c) how question topics in community QA forums like Quora [ICWSM 2015] become popular over time (d) how borrowed words can be automatically extracted from Hindi-English code-mixed tweets.



ACM-UEMJ Presents Distinguished Speaker Program On What AI can(and can't) do

UEM JAIPUR ACM STUDENT CHAPTER and Dept. of CSE, UEM JAIPUR are going to organize a Distinguished Speaker Program by Prof. Dr. Toby Walsh, Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of New South Wales and Data61 at the UEM Jaipur premises on 25th January, 2019. Topic Name: What AI Can (and Can't) Do Time: 11:00 AM IST on 25th January, 2019 Venue: Seminar Hall, UEM JAIPUR STUDENT REGISTRATION LINK: https://goo.gl/6GTTSi Toby Walsh is a leading expert in artificial intelligence (AI). He was named by the Australian newspaper as a "rock star" of the digital revolution, and included in their list of the 100 most important digital innovators in Australia. Professor Walsh's research focuses on how computers can interact with humans to optimise decision-making for the common good. He is also a passionate advocate for limits to ensure AI is used to improve, not hurt, our lives. In 2015, Professor Walsh helped launch an open letter calling for a ban on autonomous weapons or 'killer robots' that was signed by more than 20,000 AI researchers and high profile scientists, entrepreneurs and intellectuals, including Stephen Hawking, Noam Chomsky, Steve Wozniak, and Elon Musk. He has since been invited by Human Rights Watch to talk at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva. Professor Walsh has been elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of AI, and Fellow of the European Association for AI. He has won the Humboldt Award and the NSW Premier's Prize for Engineering and ICT. He has written a popular book about AI,Android Dreams: The Past, Present and Future of AI".



International Coding Competition, "UEM CODE STORM 1.0".

UEM JAIPUR ACM STUDENT CHAPTER & DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, UEM JAIPUR is organizing an International Coding Competition, UEM CODE STORM on 17th November, 2018 on CodeChef platform.
Contest Details:
• Date: 17th November, 2018
• Time: 20:00- 23:00 hrs. IST
• Prizes worth total INR 20,000.
• This is a team event. The team size can be maximum of 3. Team members should only have their CodeChef id.
Registration Link :: www.codechef.com/UCS2018
For more information please visit:
Our website: www.acm-uemj.com Facebook Page Instagram Page For any query please mail us at: [email protected] or directly contact with following persons:
1. Asif Iqbal: +91-8005835618
2. Protyay Dey: +91- 8708807505
3. Priyodarshini Roy- +91- 8637064965
Requesting you to participate and make this event successful.



Seminar on "Cheating Husbands Puzzles"

UEM JAIPUR ACM STUDENT CHAPTER and Dept. of COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, UEM JAIPUR are going to organise a seminar on "Cheating Husbands Puzzles" by Mr. Pritam Bhattacharya, dated on 22nd Oct, 2018. Mr. Pritam Bhattacharya is an eminent speaker, world renowned for his interesting speeches all across the globe. He is the recipient of the TCS PhD Fellowship, and MS degree from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Currently his research is focused on designing approximation algorithms for different variants of polygon guarding and the art gallery problem, which is a classical problem in the domain of computational geometry in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur



ACM-UEMJ Presents Distinguished Speaker Program on Cogniculture: Collaborative Cognition in Social Machines

Parija comes with over 20 years of experience in the field of technology and research. In his current role, he leads a team of researchers in developing innovative cognitive technologies for IBM's services and solutions offerings as well as addressing the unique issues faced by customers in the region. Parija has been on the current role since September 2007, prior to which he was a Research Staff Member in the Mathematical Sciences department at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown, New York, where he managed several business analytics and optimization projects centering around business decision-making under uncertainty. Dr. Parija joined IBM in 1994 after obtaining a doctorate in Industrial Engineering (with a specialization in Operations Research) from the Texas A&M University. Over the course of his research career, he has worked on several applied areas including production capacity planning, asset-liability management, corporate learning resources management, infrastructure lease structuring, strategic budgeting for disaster management resources, and most recently, cognitive talent (and skills) management. Parija has been very active in the academic research community. He has more than 50 journal/conference papers, and over 15 US patents granted.



ACM-UEMJ Presents Distinguished Speaker Program on Machine Learning the Harness track:Crowdsourcing and varying Race History

Robert P. Schumaker is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Tyler. He received his PhD in MIS from the University of Arizona in 2007, an MBA degree in Management and International Business from the University of Akron in 2001, and a Bachelors of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 1997. Rob is also the Associate Editor for Decision Support Systems, past editor for Communications of the International Information Management Association, has authored a book on Sports Data Mining, several book chapters, multiple journal articles in DSS, ACM TOIS, CACM and JASIST as well as had his research featured in the Wall Street Journal and numerous other media outlets. Robert P. Schumaker is a Senior Member and has been a member of ACM since 2004. He has been involved with ACM through publishing articles in ACM outlets such as ACM Transactions on Information Systems and Communications of the ACM. Rob also started a professional ACM chapter in the Greater Hartford Connecticut area.



ACM-UEMJ Presents Distinguished Speaker Program on Smart Grid: Where Embedded Computing , Communication and Power System and Power System Meet

Professor Sandeep K. Shukla is an IEEE fellow, an ACM Distinguished Scientist, and served as an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor during 2008-2012, and as an ACM Distinguished Speaker during 2007-2014. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Embedded Systems, and associate editor for ACM transactions on Cyber Physical Systems. In the past, he has been associate editors for IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Design & Test, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, and many other journals. He has guest-edited more than 15 special issues for various IEEE and ACM journals. He has written or edited 9 books, published over 200 journal and conference papers. He has been program chairs for 4 IEEE/ACM International conferences, and General Chair for 2 of these conferences. He has served on the program committee of more than 100 international conferences and workshops. He supervised 12 PhDs, and directed five post-doctoral scholars at Virginia Tech. Sandeep's current research focus is on Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructures. He is coordinating a research center on cyber security for critical infrastructures along with his colleagues at IIT Kanpur at the moment.



ACM-UEMJ Presents Distinguished Speaker Program on Services Science and Services Computing

Shrisha Rao received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Iowa, and before that his M.S. in logic and computation from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a professor at IIIT-Bangalore, a graduate school of information technology in Bangalore, India. His primary research interests are in applications of distributed computing, specifically algorithms and approaches for resource management in complex systems such as used in cloud computing. He also has interests in energy efficiency, sustainable computing ("Green IT"), renewable energy and microgrids, applied mathematics, and intelligent transportation systems. Dr. Rao is an ACM Distinguished Speaker and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is also a life member of the American Mathematical Society and the Computer Society of India. He is also a regular reviewer for the ACM Computing Reviews journal (computingreviews.com), which reviews a sample of the latest publications related to the computing sciences.




SNAzzy is for analysing the social networks induced by calling patterns of the customers of Telecom Service Providers. It builds a social network of the telecom subscribers from the “who-calls-whom” CDR data. By analyzing the social network thus constructed, we can derive several useful insights about the customers’ interaction amongst each others and its implications. SNAzzy can find communities; find targets for campaigns of socially influenced product, predict potential churners, determine the ideal targets for acquisition from competition and assign importance score to the customers. his can help identifying group targets for promotions and campaigns. SNAzzy can also analyse churn behaviour to identify potential churners. Using SNAzzy, one can identify potential acquisition targets from the competition. Dr.Amit A. Nanavati is a Senior Technical Lead for Cognitive Automation Solutions at IBM. He joined IBM Research India in 2000 and has since worked on projects in ecommerce, data mining, telecom and mobile. He managed the Telecom Solutions Research group (2008-2013) which won Research Division Awards for their work on Social Network Analysis in Telecom and the Spoken Web projects. He was a Senior Manager of the Mobile and Telecom Research Group in 2014. Amit was named a Master Inventor in 2011, and became a member of the IBM Academy of Technology in 2013. He co-authored a book on "Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments" published by John Wiley, UK in 2012. He co-hosted the SiMPE workshop at ACM MobileHCI for 10 years. He has 50+ publications and 37 US patents granted. He became an ACM Distinguished Speaker in 2014, and ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2015. He was also a volunteer for the SIGDEV proposal to ACM in 2011. Prior to joining IBM, he worked for Netscape in California, after completing his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Louisiana State University, USA. During his Ph.D., he interned at the Jet Propulsion Lab (NASA) in Pasadena.




Coding Competition held in UEM,Jaipu



Workforce Development Program in PHP & MySQL

It is held in Uem,Jaipur by Dept. of CSE in collaboration with ORACLE University.